Encontrados 35 resultados para: seeking God/page/1/page/2

  • or without seeing him throws a death-dealing stone which strikes him and causes his death, although he was not his enemy nor seeking to harm him: (Numbers 35, 23)

  • Then the Israelite princes partook of their provisions, without seeking the advice of the LORD. (Joshua 9, 14)

  • Abner then said in discussion with the elders of Israel: "For a long time you have been seeking David as your king. (2 Samuel 3, 17)

  • Then the king said to Abishai and to all his servants: "If my own son, who came forth from my loins, is seeking my life, how much more might this Benjaminite do so! Let him alone and let him curse, for the LORD has told him to. (2 Samuel 16, 11)

  • Then I can bring back the rest of the people to you, as a bride returns to her husband. It is the death of only one man you are seeking; then all the people will be at peace." (2 Samuel 17, 3)

  • or in Dan whether loyalty is finished or ended in Israel.' You are seeking to beat down a city that is a mother in Israel. Why do you wish to destroy the inheritance of the LORD?" (2 Samuel 20, 19)

  • Pharaoh said to him, "What do you lack with me, that you are seeking to return to your own country?" "Nothing," he said, "but please let me go!" (1 Kings 11, 22)

  • that they went to the approaches of Gedor, east of the valley, seeking pasture for their flocks. (1 Chronicles 4, 39)

  • Therefore, devote your hearts and souls to seeking the LORD your God. Proceed to build the sanctuary of the LORD God, that the ark of the covenant of the LORD and God's sacred vessels may be brought into the house built in honor of the LORD." (1 Chronicles 22, 19)

  • The Israelites who had returned from the exile partook of it together with all those who had separated themselves from the uncleanness of the peoples of the land to join them in seeking the LORD, the God of Israel. (Ezra 6, 21)

  • the passage occurred in which Mordecai reported Bagathan and Teresh, two of the royal eunuchs who guarded the entrance, for seeking to lay hands on King Ahasuerus. (Esther 6, 2)

  • Like wild asses in the desert, these go forth to their task of seeking food; The steppe provides food for the young among them; (Job 24, 5)

“Recorramos a Jesus e não às pessoas, pois só ele nunca nos faltará.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina