Encontrados 81 resultados para: road/page/4/page/2/page/7

  • The LORD'S messenger found her by a spring in the wilderness, the spring on the road to Shur, (Genesis 16, 7)

  • Then I bowed down in worship to the LORD, blessing the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me on the right road to obtain the daughter of my master's kinsman for his son. (Genesis 24, 48)

  • Thus Rachel died; and she was buried on the road to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem). (Genesis 35, 19)

  • Instead, he rerouted them toward the Red Sea by way of the desert road. In battle array the Israelites marched out of Egypt. (Exodus 13, 18)

  • But now, since the Amalekites and Canaanites are living in the valleys, turn away tomorrow and set out in the desert on the Red Sea road." (Numbers 14, 25)

  • Kindly let us pass through your country. We will not cross any fields or vineyards, nor drink any well water, but we will go straight along the royal road without turning to the right or to the left, until we have passed through your territory." (Numbers 20, 17)

  • From Mount Hor they set out on the Red Sea road, to by-pass the land of Edom. But with their patience worn out by the journey, (Numbers 21, 4)

  • "Let us pass through your country. We will not turn aside into any field or vineyard, nor will we drink any well water, but we will go straight along the royal road until we have passed through your territory." (Numbers 21, 22)

  • Then they turned and went up along the road to Bashan. But Og, king of Bashan, advanced against them with all his people to give battle at Edrei. (Numbers 21, 33)

  • But now the anger of God flared up at him for going, and the angel of the LORD stationed himself on the road to hinder him as he was riding along on his ass, accompanied by two of his servants. (Numbers 22, 22)

  • When the ass saw the angel of the LORD standing on the road with sword drawn, she turned off the road and went into the field, and Balaam had to beat her to bring her back on the road. (Numbers 22, 23)

  • Then the LORD removed the veil from Balaam's eyes, so that he too saw the angel of the LORD standing on the road with sword drawn; and he fell on his knees and bowed to the ground. (Numbers 22, 31)

“Seja paciente nas aflições que o Senhor lhe manda.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina