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  • but should they not be convinced by either of these two signs and refuse to listen to what you say, you are to take some water from the River and pour it on the ground, and the water you have taken from the River will turn to blood on the dry land.' (Exodus 4, 9)

  • And take this staff in your hand; with this you will perform the signs.' (Exodus 4, 17)

  • Moses then told Aaron all that Yahweh had said when sending him and all the signs he had ordered him to perform. (Exodus 4, 28)

  • and Aaron repeated everything that Yahweh had said to Moses, and in the sight of the people performed the signs. (Exodus 4, 30)

  • Yahweh then said to Moses, 'Go to Pharaoh, for I have made him and his officials stubborn, to display these signs of mine among them; (Exodus 10, 1)

  • so that you can tell your sons and your grandsons how I made fools of the Egyptians and what signs I performed among them, so that you would know that I am Yahweh.' (Exodus 10, 2)

  • and Yahweh said to Moses: 'How much longer will these people treat me with contempt? How much longer will they refuse to trust me, in spite of all the signs I have displayed among them? (Numbers 14, 11)

  • of all these people who have seen my glory and the signs that I worked in Egypt and in the desert, who have put me to the test ten times already and not obeyed my voice, (Numbers 14, 22)

  • Has it ever been known before that any god took action himself to bring one nation out of another one, by ordeals, signs, wonders, war with mighty hand and outstretched arm, by fearsome terrors -- all of which things Yahweh your God has done for you before your eyes in Egypt? (Deuteronomy 4, 34)

  • Before our eyes, Yahweh worked great and terrible signs and wonders against Egypt, against Pharaoh and his entire household. (Deuteronomy 6, 22)

  • the great ordeals that you yourselves have seen, the signs and wonders, the mighty hand and outstretched arm with which Yahweh your God brought you out. This is how Yahweh your God will treat all the peoples whom you fear to face. (Deuteronomy 7, 19)

  • the signs and the deeds which he performed in the heart of Egypt, against Pharaoh king of Egypt and his entire country, (Deuteronomy 11, 3)

"Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina