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  • Early next morning, they exchanged oaths. Then Isaac bade them farewell and they left him as friends. (Genesis 26, 31)

  • Jacob said to the shepherds, 'Friends, where are you from?' They replied, 'We are from Haran.' (Genesis 29, 4)

  • 'But should you in any way relapse, if you make friends with the remnant of these nations still living beside you, if you intermarry with them, if you mix with them and they with you, (Joshua 23, 12)

  • At these words of Ishbaal, Abner flew into a rage. 'Am I a dog's head?' he shouted. 'Here am I, full of faithful love towards the House of Saul your father, his brothers and his friends, not leaving you to the hands of David, and now you find fault with me over a woman! (2 Samuel 3, 8)

  • Jehu then killed every member of the House of Ahab surviving in Jezreel, all his leading men, his close friends, his priests; he did not leave a single one alive. (2 Kings 10, 11)

  • In the city he took prisoner an official who was in command of the fighting men, five of the king's personal friends who were discovered in the city, the secretary to the army commander, responsible for military conscription, and sixty men of distinction discovered in the city. (2 Kings 25, 19)

  • He restrained himself, however. Returning home, he sent for his friends and Zeresh his wife (Esther 5, 10)

  • 'Have a fifty-cubit gallows run up,' said Zeresh his wife and all his friends, 'and in the morning ask the king to have Mordecai hanged on it. Then you can go with the king to the banquet, without a care in the world!' Delighted with this advice, Haman had the gallows erected. (Esther 5, 14)

  • He told his wife Zeresh and all his friends what had just happened. His wife Zeresh and his friends said, 'You are beginning to fall, and Mordecai to rise; if he is Jewish, you will never get the better of him. With him against you, your fall is certain.' (Esther 6, 13)

  • The news of all the disasters that had fallen on Job came to the ears of three of his friends. Each of them set out from home -- Eliphaz of Teman, Bildad of Shuah and Zophar of Naamath -- and by common consent they decided to go and offer him sympathy and consolation. (Job 2, 11)

  • Anyone becomes a laughing-stock to his friends if he cries to God and expects an answer. People laugh at anyone who has integrity and is upright. (Job 12, 4)

  • Just so is a man who invites his friends to share his property while the eyes of his own children languish. (Job 17, 5)

“Temos muita facilidade para pedir, mas não para agradecer”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina