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  • 'If people quarrel and one strikes the other a blow with stone or fist so that the injured party, though not dead, is confined to bed, (Exodus 21, 18)

  • but later recovers and can go about, even with a stick, the one who struck the blow will have no liability, other than to compensate the injured party for the enforced inactivity and to take care of the injured party until the cure is complete. (Exodus 21, 19)

  • 'In every case of law-breaking involving an ox, donkey, animal from the flock, clothing or lost property of any sort, the ownership of which is disputed, both parties will lay their case before God. The party whom God pronounces guilty will pay back double to the other. (Exodus 22, 8)

  • "If, however, the latter has no relation to whom restitution can be made, the restitution due to Yahweh reverts to the priest, apart from the ram of expiation with which the priest makes expiation for the guilty party. (Numbers 5, 8)

  • Then he said to Korah and all in his party, 'Tomorrow morning Yahweh will reveal who is his, who the consecrated man whom he will allow to approach him. The one he allows to approach is the one whom he has chosen. (Numbers 16, 5)

  • This is what you must do: take the censers of Korah and all in his party, (Numbers 16, 6)

  • For which reason, you and all in your party have banded together against Yahweh himself: for what is Aaron, that you should mutter against him?' (Numbers 16, 11)

  • Moses said to Korah, 'You and all your party, come before Yahweh tomorrow, you and they, and Aaron too. (Numbers 16, 16)

  • They are a reminder to the Israelites that no unauthorised person, no one not of Aaron's line, may approach and offer incense before Yahweh, on pain of suffering the fate of Korah and his party, as Yahweh had said through Moses. (Numbers 17, 5)

  • 'Our father died in the desert. He was not a member of the party who banded together against Yahweh, Korah's party; it was for his own sin that he died without sons. (Numbers 27, 3)

  • When David reached the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to follow him and whom he had left at the torrent of Besor, they came out to meet David and the party accompanying him; David approached with his party and greeted them. (1 Samuel 30, 21)

  • Joab son of Zeruiah, with David's retainers, also took the field, encountering them at the pool of Gibeon. There they halted, one party on one side of the pool, and the other opposite. (2 Samuel 2, 13)

“O homem sem Deus é um ser mutilado”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina