Encontrados 37 resultados para: salt/page/1/page/4/page/2

  • All these came together into the woodland vale, which now is the salt sea. (Genesis 14, 3)

  • And his wife looking behind her, was turned into a statue of salt. (Genesis 19, 26)

  • Whatsoever sacrifice thou offerest, thou shalt season it with salt, neither shalt thou take away the salt of the covenant of thy God from thy sacrifice. In all thy oblations thou shalt offer salt. (Leviticus 2, 13)

  • All the firstfruits of the sanctuary which the children of Israel offer to the Lord, I have given to thee and to thy sons and daughters, by a perpetual ordinance. It is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord, to thee and to thy sons. (Numbers 18, 19)

  • The south side shall begin from the wilderness of Sin, which is by Edom: and shall have the most salt sea for its furthest limits eastward: (Numbers 34, 3)

  • And shall reach as far as the Jordan, and at the last shall be closed in by the most salt sea. This shall be your land with its borders round about. (Numbers 34, 12)

  • And the plain of the wilderness, and the Jordan, and the borders of Cenereth unto the sea of the desert, which is the most salt sea, to the foot of mount Phasga eastward. (Deuteronomy 3, 17)

  • Burning it with brimstone, and the heat of salt, so that it cannot be sown any more, nor any green thing grow therein, after the example of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha, Adama and Seboim, which the Lord destroyed in his wrath and indignation: (Deuteronomy 29, 23)

  • And from the wilderness, to the sea of Ceneroth towards the east, and to the sea of the wilderness, which is the most salt sea, on the east side by the way that leadeth to Bethsimoth: and on the south side that lieth under Asedoth, Phasga. (Joshua 12, 3)

  • Its beginning was from the top of the most salt sea, and from the bay thereof, that looketh to the south. (Joshua 15, 2)

  • But on the east side the beginning shall be the most salt sea even to the end of the Jordan: and towards the north, from the bay of the sea unto the same river Jordan. (Joshua 15, 5)

  • And Nebsan, and the city of salt, and Engaddi: six cities and their villages. (Joshua 15, 62)

“É sempre necessário ir para a frente, nunca para trás, na vida espiritual. O barco que pára em vez de ir adiante é empurrado para trás pelo vento.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina