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  • God further said to Abraham: "As for your wife Sarai, do not call her Sarai; her name shall be Sarah. (Genesis 17, 15)

  • Abraham prostrated himself and laughed as he said to himself, "Can a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Or can Sarah give birth at ninety?" (Genesis 17, 17)

  • God replied: "Nevertheless, your wife Sarah is to bear you a son, and you shall call him Isaac. I will maintain my covenant with him as an everlasting pact, to be his God and the God of his descendants after him. (Genesis 17, 19)

  • But my covenant I will maintain with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you by this time next year." (Genesis 17, 21)

  • Abraham hastened into the tent and told Sarah, "Quick, three seahs of fine flour! Knead it and make rolls." (Genesis 18, 6)

  • "Where is your wife Sarah?" they asked him. "There in the tent," he replied. (Genesis 18, 9)

  • One of them said, "I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah will then have a son." Sarah was listening at the entrance of the tent, just behind him. (Genesis 18, 10)

  • Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in years, and Sarah had stopped having her womanly periods. (Genesis 18, 11)

  • So Sarah laughed to herself and said, "Now that I am so withered and my husband is so old, am I still to have sexual pleasure?" (Genesis 18, 12)

  • But the LORD said to Abraham: "Why did Sarah laugh and say, 'Shall I really bear a child, old as I am?' (Genesis 18, 13)

  • Is anything too marvelous for the LORD to do? At the appointed time, about this time next year, I will return to you, and Sarah will have a son." (Genesis 18, 14)

  • Because she was afraid, Sarah dissembled, saying, "I didn't laugh." But he said, "Yes you did." (Genesis 18, 15)

“Ouço interiormente uma voz que constantemente me diz: Santifique-se e santifique!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina