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  • No longer shall you be called Abram; your name shall be Abraham, for I am making you the father of a host of nations. (Genesis 17, 5)

  • Suppose my father feels me? He will think I am making sport of him, and I shall bring on myself a curse instead of a blessing." (Genesis 27, 12)

  • Jacob then made this vow: "If God remains with me, to protect me on this journey I am making and to give me enough bread to eat and clothing to wear, (Genesis 28, 20)

  • Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: "You have brought trouble upon me by making me loathsome to the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Perizzites. I have so few men that, if these people unite against me and attack me, I and my family will be wiped out." (Genesis 34, 30)

  • the LORD remained with Joseph; he showed him kindness by making the chief jailer well-disposed toward him. (Genesis 39, 21)

  • making life bitter for them with hard work in mortar and brick and all kinds of field work--the whole cruel fate of slaves. (Exodus 1, 14)

  • he appealed to the LORD, who pointed out to him a certain piece of wood. When he threw this into the water, the water became fresh.It was here that the LORD, in making rules and regulations for them, put them to the test. (Exodus 15, 25)

  • These are the vestments they shall make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a brocaded tunic, a miter and a sash. In making these sacred vestments which your brother Aaron and his sons are to wear in serving as my priests, (Exodus 28, 4)

  • "The breastpiece of decision you shall also have made, embroidered like the ephod with gold thread and violet, purple and scarlet yarn on cloth of fine linen twined. (Exodus 28, 15)

  • "Whenever Aaron enters the sanctuary, he will thus bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastpiece of decision over his heart as a constant reminder before the LORD. (Exodus 28, 29)

  • In this breastpiece of decision you shall put the Urim and Thummim, that they may be over Aaron's heart whenever he enters the presence of the LORD. Thus he shall always bear the decisions for the Israelites over his heart in the LORD'S presence. (Exodus 28, 30)

  • sacrificing a bullock each day as a sin offering, to make atonement. Thus also shall you purge the altar in making atonement for it; you shall anoint it in order to consecrate it. (Exodus 29, 36)

“A natureza humana também quer a sua parte. Até Maria, Mãe de Jesus, que sabia que por meio de Sua morte a humanidade seria redimida, chorou e sofreu – e como sofreu!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina