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  • At this the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, 'Did I not tell you that he never gives me favourable prophecies, but only unfavourable ones?' (1 Kings 22, 18)

  • At this the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, 'Did I not tell you that he never gives me favourable prophecies, but only unfavourable ones?' (2 Chronicles 18, 17)

  • The rest of the history of Manasseh, his prayer to his God, and the prophecies of the seers who spoke to him in the name of Yahweh, God of Israel, can be found in the Annals of the Kings of Israel. (2 Chronicles 33, 18)

  • 'My son, take your children and hurry away to Media, since I believe the word of God pronounced over Nineveh by Nahum. Everything will come true, everything happen that the emissaries of God, the prophets of Israel, have predicted against Assyria and Nineveh; not one of their words will prove empty. It will all take place in due time. you will be safer in Media than in Assyria or in Babylonia. Since I for my part know and believe that everything God has said will come true; so it will be, and not a word of the prophecies will fail. 'A census will be taken of our brothers living in the land of Israel and they will be exiled far from their own fair country. The entire territory of Israel will become a desert, and Samaria and Jerusalem will become a desert, and the house of God for a time, will be laid wasted and burnt. (Tobit 14, 4)

  • The lips of the king utter prophecies, he keeps faith when he speaks in judgement. (Proverbs 16, 10)

  • Not so with one who concentrates his mind and his meditation on the Law of the Most High. He researches into the wisdom of all the Ancients, he occupies his time with the prophecies. (Ecclesiasticus 39, 1)

  • designated in the prophecies of doom to allay God's wrath before the fury breaks, to turn the hearts of fathers towards their children, and to restore the tribes of Jacob. (Ecclesiasticus 48, 10)

  • 'I have heard what the prophets say who make their lying prophecies in my name. "I have had a dream," they say, "I have had a dream!" (Jeremiah 23, 25)

  • I have a quarrel with the prophets, Yahweh declares, who wag their tongues to utter prophecies. (Jeremiah 23, 31)

  • I have a quarrel with the prophets who make prophecies out of lying dreams, Yahweh declares, who recount them, and lead my people astray by their lies and their bragging. I certainly never sent them or commissioned them, and they serve no good purpose for this people, Yahweh declares. (Jeremiah 23, 32)

  • 'Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel; prophesy, and say to those who make up prophecies out of their own heads, "Hear what Yahweh says: (Ezekiel 13, 2)

  • 'Also, son of man, turn to the women of your people who make up prophecies out of their own heads; prophesy against them. (Ezekiel 13, 17)

Jesus lhe quer bem, da maneira que só Ele sabe amar.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina