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  • And he made haste becouse his heart was moved upon his brother, and tears gushed out: And going into his chamber he wept. (Genesis 43, 30)

  • And the name of that place was called, The place of weepers, or of tears: and there they offered sacrifices to the Lord. (Judges 2, 5)

  • As Anna had her heart full of grief, she prayed to the Lord, shedding many tears, (1 Samuel 1, 10)

  • David and the people that were with him, lifted up their voices, and wept till they had no more tears. (1 Samuel 30, 4)

  • Go back, and tell Ezechias the captain of my people: Thus saith the Lord the God of David thy father: I have heard thy prayer, and I have seen thy tears: and behold I have healed thee; on the third day thou shalt go up to the temple of the Lord. (2 Kings 20, 5)

  • When thou didst pray with tears, and didst bury the dead, and didst leave thy dinner, and hide the dead by day in thy house, and bury them by night, I offered thy prayer to the Lord. (Tobit 12, 12)

  • Then Raguel said: I doubt not but God hath regarded my prayers and tears in his sight. (Tobit 7, 13)

  • And Raguel went to him, and kissed him with tears, and weeping upon his neck, said: A blessing be upon thee, my son, because thou art the son of a good and most virtuous man. (Tobit 7, 7)

  • For thou art not delighted in our being lost: because after a storm thou makest a calm, and after tears and weeping thou pourest in joyfulness. (Tobit 3, 22)

  • But continuing in prayer with tears besought God, that he would deliver her from this reproach. (Tobit 3, 11)

  • Then Tobias sighed, and began to pray with tears, (Tobit 3, 1)

  • Ozias rising up all in tears, said: Be of good courage, my brethren, and let us wait these five days for mercy from the Lord. (Judith 7, 23)

“Que o Espírito Santo guie a sua inteligência, faça-o descobrir a verdade escondida na Sagrada Escritura e inflame a sua vontade para praticá-la.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina