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  • Who is like to thee, among the strong, O Lord? who is like to thee, glorious in holiness, terrible and praiseworthy, doing wonders? (Exodus 15, 11)

  • And you shall be to me a priestly kingdom, and a holy nation. Those are the words thou shalt speak to the children of Israel. (Exodus 19, 6)

  • Every male of the priestly race shall eat of the flesh thereof, because it is holy of holies. (Leviticus 6, 29)

  • Every male of the priestly race, shall eat this flesh in a holy place, because it is most holy. (Leviticus 7, 6)

  • Now Nadab and Abiu died, without children, when they offered strange fire before the Lord, in the desert of Sinai: and Eleazar and Ithamar performed the priestly office in the presence of Aaron their father. (Numbers 3, 4)

  • And the Lord said to Aaron: Behold I have given thee the charge of my firstfruits. All things that are sanctified by the children of Israel, I have delivered to thee and to thy sons for the priestly office, by everlasting ordinances. (Numbers 18, 8)

  • And the children of Israel removed their camp from Beroth of the children of Jacan into Mosera, where Aaron died and was buried, and Eleazar his son succeeded him in the priestly office. (Deuteronomy 10, 6)

  • And he separated also therein a little temple for the god, and made an ephod, and theraphim, that is to say, a priestly garment, and idols: and he filled the hand of one of his sons, and he became his priest. (Judges 17, 5)

  • And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall remain in thy house, shall come that he may be prayed for, and shall offer a piece of silver, and a roll of bread, and shall say: Put me, I beseech thee, to somewhat of the priestly office, that I may eat a morsel of bread. (1 Samuel 2, 36)

  • And Saul said to the Lord: O Lord God of Israel, give a sign, by which we may know, what the meaning is, that thou answerest not thy servant to day. If this iniquity be in me, or in my son Jonathan, give a proof: or if this iniquity be in thy people, give holiness. And Jonathan and Saul were taken, and the people escaped. (1 Samuel 14, 41)

  • Johanan beget Azarias. This is he that executed the priestly office in the house which Solomon built in Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles 6, 10)

  • And Semeias the son of Nathanael the scribe a Levite, wrote them down before the king and the princes, and Sadoc the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar, and the princes also of the priestly and Levitical families: one house, which was over the rest, of Eleazar: and another house, which had the rest under it, of Ithamar. (1 Chronicles 24, 6)

“Pobres e desafortunadas as almas que se envolvem no turbilhão de preocupações deste mundo. Quanto mais amam o mundo, mais suas paixões crescem, mais queimam de desejos, mais se tornam incapazes de atingir seus objetivos. E vêm, então, as inquietações, as impaciências e terríveis sofrimentos profundos, pois seus corações não palpitam com a caridade e o amor. Rezemos por essas almas desafortunadas e miseráveis, para que Jesus, em Sua infinita misericórdia, possa perdoá-las e conduzi-las a Ele.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina