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  • Blessed be Yahweh, the God of our fathers, who inspired the king with this will to exalt and glorify the House of Yahweh in Jerusalem, (Ezra 7, 27)

  • The angel took Tobit and Tobias to one side and said to them, "Bless God, return thanks to him, proclaim his glory and render him thanks before all the living for all he has done for you. It is good to praise God and to exalt his Name, by making known in a worthy manner the story of God's deeds. Do not be slow in giving him thanks. (Tobit 12, 6)

  • he now shows you his greatness. Exalt him before all the living, because he is our God and Lord, our Father forever. (Tobit 13, 4)

  • Judith said, "Sing a song to my God with tambourines, sing in honor of God with cymbals. Compose for him a psalm of praise. Exalt and bless his Name! (Judith 16, 1)

  • Even the mouths of children and infants exalt your glory in front of your foes and put to shame enemies and rebels. (Psalms 8, 3)

  • Hope in the Lord and follow his way, for he will exalt you and give you the land. You will see how the wicked perish. (Psalms 37, 34)

  • I will praise you day after day and exalt your name forever. (Psalms 145, 2)

  • Exalt the Lord, O Jerusalem; praise your God, O Zion! (Psalms 147, 12)

  • Hold her close, for she will exalt you and bring you honor if you embrace her. (Proverbs 4, 8)

  • Let your praise exalt the Lord as best you can, he is greater than you could even express. Honor him with all your strength and do not tire, for you can never praise him enough. (Ecclesiasticus 43, 30)

  • That is why God promised by oath to bless all the nations through his descendants, that he would make them as numerous as the dust of the earth and exalt his posterity like the stars. He promised that their land would stretch from sea to sea, from the River to the ends of the earth. (Ecclesiasticus 44, 21)

  • He invoked the Lord Most High, who gave him strength to slay a mighty warrior, and so exalt the power of his people. (Ecclesiasticus 47, 5)

“Mantenha-se sempre muito unido à Igreja Católica, pois somente ela pode lhe dar a verdadeira paz, porque somente ela possui Jesus Sacramentado que é o verdadeiro príncipe da paz.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina