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  • O Lord, so may all your enemies perish! But may those who love you shine with splendor, as the sun shines at its rising.” (Judges 5, 31)

  • And also, the Lord conferred upon her a splendor. For all this dressing up did not proceed from sensuality, but from virtue. And therefore, the Lord increased this, her beauty, so that she appeared with incomparable honor before the eyes of all. (Judith 10, 4)

  • For their powerful one did not fall by young men, nor did the sons of Titan strike him, nor did lofty giants set themselves against him, but Judith, the daughter of Merari, dissolved him with the splendor of her face. (Judith 16, 8)

  • O Adonai, O Lord, you are great, and splendor is in your virtue, and no one is able to overcome you. (Judith 16, 16)

  • And after those days, each one returned to his own house, and Judith became great in Bethulia, and she had great splendor in all the land of Israel. (Judith 16, 25)

  • Envelop yourself with splendor, and raise yourself up on high, and be glorious, and put on splendid garments. (Job 40, 5)

  • With your splendor and your excellence extended, proceed prosperously, and reign for the sake of truth and meekness and justice, and so will your right hand lead you wondrously. (Psalms 44, 5)

  • He has chosen us for his inheritance: the splendor of Jacob, whom he has loved. (Psalms 46, 5)

  • And may the splendor of the Lord our God be upon us. And so, direct the works of our hands over us; direct even the work of our hands. (Psalms 89, 17)

  • It is with you from the beginning, in the day of your virtue, in the splendor of the saints. From conception, before the light-bearer, I begot you. (Psalms 109, 3)

  • And the leaders and elders mourned, and the virgins and young men became weak, and the splendor of the women was changed. (1 Maccabees 1, 27)

  • And behold, our sanctuary, and our beauty, and our splendor has been desolated, and the Gentiles have defiled them. (1 Maccabees 2, 12)

“Deus não opera prodígios onde não há fé.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina