Talált 39 Eredmények: ancient history/page/3/page/4/page/4

  • This is the family history of Isaac, son of Abraham; Abraham had begotten Isaac. (Genesis 25, 19)

  • This is his family history. When Joseph was seventeen years old, he was tending the flocks with his brothers; he was an assistant to the sons of his father's wives Bilhah and Zilpah, and he brought his father bad reports about them. (Genesis 37, 2)

  • He spread out the primeval tent; he extended the ancient canopy. He drove the enemy out of your way and the Amorite he destroyed. (Deuteronomy 33, 27)

  • Then she went on to say: "There is an ancient saying, 'Let them ask if they will in Abel (2 Samuel 20, 18)

  • To this day they worship according to their ancient rites. (They did not venerate the LORD nor observe the statutes and regulations, the law and commandments, which the LORD enjoined on the descendants of Jacob, whom he had named Israel. (2 Kings 17, 34)

  • Now the deeds of King David, first and last, can be found written in the history of Samuel the seer, the history of Nathan the prophet, and the history of Gad the seer, (1 Chronicles 29, 29)

  • The acts of Rehoboam, first and last, are written, as is well known, in the history of Shemaiah the prophet and of Iddo the seer (his family record). There was war continually between Rehoboam and Jeroboam. (2 Chronicles 12, 15)

  • His prayer and how his supplication was heard, all his sins and his infidelity, the sites where he built high places and erected sacred poles and carved images before he humbled himself, all can be found written down in the history of his seers. (2 Chronicles 33, 19)

  • so that inquiry may be made in the historical records of your fathers. In the historical records you can discover and verify that this city is a rebellious city which has proved fatal to kings and provinces, and that sedition has been fostered there since ancient times. For that reason this city was destroyed. (Ezra 4, 15)

  • When at my command inquiry was made, it was verified that from ancient times this city has risen up against kings and that rebellion and sedition have been fostered there. (Ezra 4, 19)

  • Do you indeed keep to the ancient way trodden by worthless men, (Job 22, 15)

  • Lift up your heads, O gates; rise up, you ancient portals, that the king of glory may enter. (Psalms 24, 7)

“E’ na dor que o amor se torna mais forte.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina