Talált 35 Eredmények: Judith/page/3/page/2

  • When Esau was forty years old, he married Judith, daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath, daughter of Elon the Hivite. (Genesis 26, 34)

  • Now in those days Judith, daughter of Merari, son of Joseph, son of Oziel, son of Elkiah, son of Ananias, son of Gideon, son of Raphain, son of Ahitob, son of Elijah, son of Hilkiah, son of Eliab, son of Nathanael, son of Salamiel, son of Sarasadai, son of Simeon, son of Israel, heard of this. (Judith 8, 1)

  • The widowed Judith remained three years and four months at home, (Judith 8, 4)

  • When Judith, therefore, heard of the harsh words which the people, discouraged by their lack of water, had spoken against their ruler, and of all that Uzziah had said to them in reply, swearing that he would hand over the city to the Assyrians at the end of five days, (Judith 8, 9)

  • Then Judith said to them: "Listen to me! I will do something that will go down from generation to generation among the descendants of our race. (Judith 8, 32)

  • Judith threw herself down prostrate, with ashes strewn upon her head, and wearing nothing over her sackcloth. While the incense was being offered in the temple of God in Jerusalem that evening, Judith prayed to the Lord with a loud voice: (Judith 9, 1)

  • As soon as Judith had thus concluded, and ceased her invocation to the God of Israel, (Judith 10, 1)

  • When these men saw Judith transformed in looks and differently dressed, they were very much astounded at her beauty and said to her, (Judith 10, 7)

  • "May the God of our fathers bring you to favor, and make your undertaking a success, for the glory of the Israelites and the exaltation of Jerusalem." Judith bowed down to God. Then she said to them, (Judith 10, 8)

  • When they did so, Judith and her maid went out. The men of the city kept her in view as she went down the mountain and crossed the valley; then they lost sight of her. (Judith 10, 10)

  • As Judith and her maid walked directly across the valley, they encountered the Assyrian outpost. (Judith 10, 11)

  • and when Holofernes and his servants beheld Judith, they all marveled at the beauty of her face. She threw herself down prostrate before him, but his servants raised her up. (Judith 10, 23)

“Amar significa dar aos outros – especialmente a quem precisa e a quem sofre – o que de melhor temos em nós mesmos e de nós mesmos; e de dá-lo sorridentes e felizes, renunciando ao nosso egoísmo, à nossa alegria, ao nosso prazer e ao nosso orgulho”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina