Talált 89 Eredmények: Counsel of Hushai/page/1/page/5/page/5

  • Then Saul said to his servants, "Find me a woman who is a medium, to whom I can go to seek counsel through her." His servants answered him, "There is a woman in Endor who is a medium." (1 Samuel 28, 7)

  • When David was informed that Ahithophel was among the conspirators with Absalom, he said, "O LORD, turn the counsel of Ahithophel to folly!" (2 Samuel 15, 31)

  • When David reached the top, where men used to worship God, Hushai the Archite was there to meet him, with rent garments and dirt upon his head. (2 Samuel 15, 32)

  • But if you return to the city and say to Absalom, 'Let me be your servant, O king; I was formerly your father's servant, but now I will be yours,' you will undo for me the counsel of Ahithophel. (2 Samuel 15, 34)

  • So David's friend Hushai went into the city of Jerusalem as Absalom was about to enter it. (2 Samuel 15, 37)

  • When David's friend Hushai the Archite came to Absalom, he said to him: "Long live the king! Long live the king!" (2 Samuel 16, 16)

  • But Absalom asked Hushai: "Is this your devotion to your friend? Why did you not go with your friend?" (2 Samuel 16, 17)

  • Hushai replied to Absalom: "On the contrary, I am his whom the LORD and all this people and all Israel have chosen, and with him I will stay. (2 Samuel 16, 18)

  • Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, "Offer your counsel on what we should do." (2 Samuel 16, 20)

  • Now the counsel given by Ahithophel at that time was as though one had sought divine revelation. Such was all his counsel both to David and to Absalom. (2 Samuel 16, 23)

  • Then Absalom said, "Now call Hushai the Archite also; let us hear what he too has to say." (2 Samuel 17, 5)

  • When Hushai came to Absalom, Absalom said to him: "This is what Ahithophel proposed. Shall we follow his proposal? If not, speak up." (2 Samuel 17, 6)

“Mesmo quando perdemos a consciência deste mundo, quando parecemos já mortos, Deus nos dá ainda uma chance de entender o que é realmente o pecado, antes de nos julgar. E se entendemos corretamente, como podemos não nos arrepender?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina