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  • Such was the story of heaven and earth as they were created. At the time when Yahweh God made earth and heaven (Genesis 2, 4)

  • Time passed and Cain brought some of the produce of the soil as an offering for Yahweh, (Genesis 4, 3)

  • Yahweh said, 'My spirit cannot be indefinitely responsible for human beings, who are only flesh; let the time allowed each be a hundred and twenty years.' (Genesis 6, 3)

  • For in seven days' time I shall make it rain on earth for forty days and forty nights, and I shall wipe every creature I have made off the face of the earth.' (Genesis 7, 4)

  • As long as earth endures: seed-time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.' (Genesis 8, 22)

  • To Eber were born two sons: the first was called Peleg, because it was in his time that the earth was divided, and his brother was called Joktan. (Genesis 10, 25)

  • Abram passed through the country as far as the holy place at Shechem, the Oak of Moreh. The Canaanites were in the country at the time. (Genesis 12, 6)

  • There was a famine in the country, and Abram went down to Egypt to stay there for a time, since the famine in the country was severe. (Genesis 12, 10)

  • Dispute broke out between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and those of Lot. (The Canaanites and Perizzites were living in the country at the time.) (Genesis 13, 7)

  • Some time later, the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision: Do not be afraid, Abram! I am your shield and shall give you a very great reward. (Genesis 15, 1)

  • But my covenant I shall maintain with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear you at this time next year.' (Genesis 17, 21)

  • Nothing is impossible for Yahweh. I shall come back to you at the same time next year and Sarah will have a son.' (Genesis 18, 14)

Por que a tentação passada deixa na alma uma certa perturbação? perguntou um penitente a Padre Pio. Ele respondeu: “Você já presenciou um tremor de terra? Quando tudo estremece a sua volta, você também é sacudido; no entanto, não necessariamente fica enterrado nos destroços!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina