Talált 25 Eredmények: stumbling block/page/3/page/3

  • You will storm every fortified town, fell every productive tree, block every water-hole, ruin all the best fields with stones.' (2 Kings 3, 19)

  • In the thirty-sixth year of Asa's reign, Baasha king of Israel marched on Judah and fortified Ramah to block the communications of Asa king of Judah. (2 Chronicles 16, 1)

  • So a large number of people were called out to block all the springs and cut off the watercourse flowing through the country. 'Why', they said, 'should the kings of Assyria find plenty of water when they arrive?' (2 Chronicles 32, 4)

  • he brings us to life and keeps our feet from stumbling. (Psalms 66, 9)

  • My feet were on the point of stumbling, a little more and I had slipped, (Psalms 73, 2)

  • He has rescued me from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling. (Psalms 116, 8)

  • Great peace for those who love your Law; no stumbling-blocks for them! (Psalms 119, 165)

  • May he save your foot from stumbling; may he, your guardian, not fall asleep! (Psalms 121, 3)

  • His hands are golden, rounded, set with jewels of Tarshish. His belly a block of ivory covered with sapphires. (Song of Solomon 5, 14)

  • Honey-tongued to your face, he is lost in admiration at your words; but behind your back he has other things to say, and turns your words into a stumbling-block. (Ecclesiasticus 27, 23)

  • Whoever seeks the Law will be nourished by it, the hypocrite will find it a stumbling-block. (Ecclesiasticus 32, 15)

  • Do not venture on a rough road, for fear of stumbling over the stones. (Ecclesiasticus 32, 20)

“A cada vitória sobre o pecado corresponde um grau de glória eterna”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina