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  • You will instruct all the skilled men, whom I have endowed with skill, to make Aaron's vestments for his consecration to my priesthood. (Exodus 28, 3)

  • You will dress your brother Aaron and his sons in these; you will then anoint them, invest them and consecrate them to serve me in the priesthood. (Exodus 28, 41)

  • 'This is what you will do to them, to consecrate them to my priesthood. Take one young bull and two rams without blemish; (Exodus 29, 1)

  • and fasten waistbands round their waists and put the head-dresses on their heads. By perpetual decree the priesthood will be theirs. Then you will invest Aaron and his sons. (Exodus 29, 9)

  • Whichever of the sons of Aaron succeeds him in the priesthood and enters the Tent of Meeting to serve in the sanctuary, will wear them for seven days. (Exodus 29, 30)

  • and then dress Aaron in the sacred vestments, and anoint and consecrate him, to serve me in the priesthood. (Exodus 40, 13)

  • and anoint them as you anointed their father, to serve me in the priesthood. Their anointing will confer an everlasting priesthood on them for all their generations to come.' (Exodus 40, 15)

  • Such were the names of Aaron's sons, priests anointed and invested with the powers of the priesthood. (Numbers 3, 3)

  • Nadab and Abihu died in Yahweh's presence, in the desert of Sinai, when they offered unauthorised fire before Yahweh. They left no children and so it fell to Eleazar and Ithamar to exercise the priesthood under their father Aaron. (Numbers 3, 4)

  • Yahweh then said to Aaron: 'You, your sons and your ancestor's line with you will be answerable for offences against the sanctuary. You and your sons with you will be answerable for the offences of your priesthood. (Numbers 18, 1)

  • You and your sons will undertake the priestly duties in all that concerns the altar and all that lies behind the curtain. You will perform the liturgy, the duties of which I entrust to your priesthood. But an unauthorised person approaching will incur death,' (Numbers 18, 7)

  • I have perceived no guilt in Jacob, have seen no perversity in Israel. Yahweh his God is with him, and a royal acclamation to greet him. (Numbers 23, 21)

“Queira o dulcíssimo Jesus conservar-nos na Sua graça e dar-nos a felicidade de sermos admitidos, quando Ele quiser, no eterno convívio…” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina