Talált 63 Eredmények: length/page/4/page/5/page/5/page/2

  • This is how to make it: the length of the ark is to be three hundred cubits, its breadth fifty cubits, and its height thirty cubits. (Genesis 6, 15)

  • On your feet! Travel the length and breadth of the country, for I mean to give it to you.' (Genesis 13, 17)

  • The length of Sarah's life was a hundred and twenty-seven years. (Genesis 23, 1)

  • Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. After leaving Pharaoh's presence, Joseph travelled throughout the length and breadth of Egypt. (Genesis 41, 46)

  • At length Joseph said to his brothers, 'I am about to die; but God will be sure to remember you kindly and take you out of this country to the country which he promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' (Genesis 50, 24)

  • The length of a single sheet is to be twenty-eight cubits, its width four cubits, all the sheets to be of the same size. (Exodus 26, 2)

  • The length of a single sheet must be thirty cubits and its width four cubits, the eleven sheets to be all of the same size. (Exodus 26, 8)

  • The extra cubit on either side along the length of the tent sheets must hang down the sides of the Dwelling on either side to cover it. (Exodus 26, 13)

  • The length of the court must be one hundred cubits, its width fifty cubits and its height five cubits. All the curtaining must be made of finely woven linen, and their sockets of bronze. (Exodus 27, 18)

  • It must be square and doubled over, a span in length and a span in width. (Exodus 28, 16)

  • The length of a single sheet was twenty-eight cubits, its width four cubits, all the sheets being of the same size. (Exodus 36, 9)

  • The length of a single sheet was thirty cubits and its width four cubits; the eleven sheets were all of the same size. (Exodus 36, 15)

“O temor e a confiança devem dar as mãos e proceder como irmãos. Se nos damos conta de que temos muito temor devemos recorrer à confiança. Se confiamos excessivamente devemos ter um pouco de temor”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina