Talált 274 Eredmények: divine justice/page/9/page/2/page/3

  • Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters. (Genesis 1, 2)

  • Then Rachel said, 'God has done me justice; yes, he has heard my prayer and given me a son.' Accordingly she named him Dan. (Genesis 30, 6)

  • They broke camp; a divine terror struck the towns round about, and no one pursued the sons of Jacob. (Genesis 35, 5)

  • That night, I shall go through Egypt and strike down all the first-born in Egypt, man and beast alike, and shall execute justice on all the gods of Egypt, I, Yahweh! (Exodus 12, 12)

  • On the following day, Moses took his seat to administer justice for the people, and the people were standing round him from morning till evening. (Exodus 18, 13)

  • You will not be led into wrong-doing by the majority nor, when giving evidence in a lawsuit, side with the majority to pervert the course of justice; (Exodus 23, 2)

  • "You will not be unjust in administering justice. You will neither be partial to the poor nor overawed by the great, but will administer justice to your fellow-citizen justly. (Leviticus 19, 15)

  • "You will not be unjust in administering justice as regards measures of length, weight or capacity. (Leviticus 19, 35)

  • the prophecy of one who hears the words of God. He sees what Shaddai makes him see, receives the divine answer, and his eyes are opened. (Numbers 24, 4)

  • the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, of one who knows the knowledge of the Most High. He sees what Shaddai makes him see, receives the divine answer, and his eyes are opened. (Numbers 24, 16)

  • At that same time I told your judges, "You must give your brothers a fair hearing and see justice done between one person and his brother or the foreigner living with him. (Deuteronomy 1, 16)

  • He it is who sees justice done for the orphan and the widow, who loves the stranger and gives him food and clothing. (Deuteronomy 10, 18)

“O temor e a confiança devem dar as mãos e proceder como irmãos. Se nos damos conta de que temos muito temor devemos recorrer à confiança. Se confiamos excessivamente devemos ter um pouco de temor”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina