Talált 247 Eredmények: prepared table/page/2/page/7/page/21

  • And said to him: Come in, thou blessed of the Lord: why standest thou without? I have prepared the house, and a place for the camels. (Genesis 24, 31)

  • And shall say to me: Both drink thou, and I will also draw for thy camels: let the same be the woman, whom the Lord hath prepared for my master's son. (Genesis 24, 44)

  • And when he had washed his face, coming out again, he refrained himself, and said: Set bread on the table. (Genesis 43, 31)

  • Behold I will send my angel, who shall go before thee, and keep thee in thy journey, and bring thee into the place that I have prepared. (Exodus 23, 20)

  • Thou shalt make a table also of setim wood, of two cubits in length, and a cubit in breadth, and a cubit and half in height. (Exodus 25, 23)

  • Thou shalt prepare also four golden rings, and shalt put them in the four corners of the same table over each foot. (Exodus 25, 26)

  • Under the crown shall the golden rings be, that the bars may be put through them, and the table may be carried. (Exodus 25, 27)

  • The bars also themselves thou shalt make of setim wood, and shalt overlay them with gold to bear up the table. (Exodus 25, 28)

  • And thou shalt set upon the table loaves of proposition in my sight always. (Exodus 25, 30)

  • And that which shall remain of the curtains, that are prepared for the roof, to wit, one curtain that is over and above, with the half thereof thou shalt cover the back parts of the tabernacle. (Exodus 26, 12)

  • In the sides of the boards shall be made two mortises, whereby one board may be joined to another board: and after this manner shall all the boards be prepared. (Exodus 26, 17)

  • And the table without the veil: and over against the table the candlestick in the south side of the tabernacle; for the table shall stand in the north side. (Exodus 26, 35)

“Cada Missa lhe obtém um grau mais alto de gloria no Céu!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina