Talált 50 Eredmények: female purification/page/5/page/2/page/4

  • So God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1, 27)

  • male and female he created them; he blessed them and called them Man on the day they were created. (Genesis 5, 2)

  • You shall bring into the ark two of every kind of living thing, male and female, to keep them alive with you. (Genesis 6, 19)

  • Of all the clean animals, you are to take with you seven of each kind, male and female, and a pair of unclean animals, a male and a female. (Genesis 7, 2)

  • In the same way for the birds of the air, take seven and seven, male and female, to keep their kind alive over all the earth, (Genesis 7, 3)

  • they went two and two, male and female, as God had commanded Noah. (Genesis 7, 9)

  • And they that went in were male and female just as God had commanded. Then Yahweh closed the door on Noah. (Genesis 7, 16)

  • Abimelech then brought sheep and cattle, male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham, and he had Sarah returned to her husband. (Genesis 20, 14)

  • When a man strikes the eye of his slave, male or female, and the eye is lost, he will let the slave go free in compensation for the eye (Exodus 21, 26)

  • If anyone offers a peace sacrifice, offering from his cattle, male or female, whatever he offers before Yahweh must be without any defect. (Leviticus 3, 1)

  • If he offers a sheep or goat as a peace offering for Yahweh, he is to offer a male or female without any defect. (Leviticus 3, 6)

  • and after that he recalls it or anyone calls his attention to the sin he has committed, he is to bring a goat as an offering, a female without any defect. (Leviticus 4, 28)

“O amor nada mais é do que o brilho de Deus nos homens”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina