Talált 13 Eredmények: Bible reading/page/2/page/2/page/2

  • Then Ezra, the teacher of the Law, said to the people, "This day is dedicated to Yahweh, your God, so do not be sad or weep." He said this because all wept when they heard the reading of the Law. (Nehemiah 8, 9)

  • They were reading this letter when other messengers arrived from Galilee tearing their garments as they gave this message: (1 Maccabees 5, 14)

  • All this is in the Bible, the Testament of the Most High God, the book of the Law which Moses entrusted to us, the inheritance of the congregations of Israel. (Ecclesiasticus 24, 23)

  • So Baruch Neriah's son did all that the prophet Jeremiah had commanded about this reading in the House of Yahweh. (Jeremiah 36, 8)

  • Whenever Jehudi finished reading three or four columns, the king would cut them off into pieces with the secretary's knife and cast them in the fire until the whole scroll was burned. (Jeremiah 36, 23)

  • When you finish reading this scroll, tie a stone to it and throw it into the Euphrates. (Jeremiah 51, 63)

  • and was on his way home. He was sitting in his carriage and reading the prophet Isaiah. (Acts 8, 28)

  • So Philip ran up and heard the man reading the prophet Isaiah; and he asked, "Do you really understand what you are reading?" The Ethiopian replied, (Acts 8, 30)

  • This was the passage of Scripture he was reading: He was led like a sheep to be slaughtered; like a lamb that is dumb before the shearer, he did not open his mouth. (Acts 8, 32)

  • After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the officials of the synagogue sent this message to them, "Brothers, if you have any word of encouragement for the assembly, please speak up." (Acts 13, 15)

  • On reading them you will have some idea of how I understand the mystery of Christ. (Ephesians 3, 4)

  • After reading this letter, see that it is read in the Church of the Laodiceans, and have the letter they received read in yours. (Colossians 4, 16)

“O temor e a confiança devem dar as mãos e proceder como irmãos. Se nos damos conta de que temos muito temor devemos recorrer à confiança. Se confiamos excessivamente devemos ter um pouco de temor”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina