Talált 40 Eredmények: sexual crime/page/1/page/4/page/4

  • And these are his generations. Joseph, when he was sixteen years old, was pasturing the flock with his brothers, when he was still a boy. And he was with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, the wives of his father. And he accused his brothers to their father of a most sinful crime. (Genesis 37, 2)

  • Judah said, “What do you want to be given for a pledge?” She responded, “Your ring and bracelet, and the staff that you hold in your hand.” Thereupon, the woman, from one sexual encounter, conceived. (Genesis 38, 18)

  • Whoever will have stolen a man and sold him, having been convicted of the crime, shall be put to death. (Exodus 21, 16)

  • Whoever strikes his male or female servant with a staff, and if they have died by his hands, he shall be guilty of a crime. (Exodus 21, 20)

  • Whoever has sexual intercourse with an animal shall be put to death. (Exodus 22, 19)

  • A man from whom the seed of sexual intercourse goes out shall wash his entire body with water, and he shall be unclean until evening. (Leviticus 15, 16)

  • The woman with whom he has had sexual intercourse shall be washed with water, and she shall be unclean until evening. (Leviticus 15, 18)

  • If a man has sexual intercourse with her in the time of her monthly flow of blood, he shall be unclean for seven days, and every bed on which he sleeps shall be polluted. (Leviticus 15, 24)

  • This is the law of him who undergoes a flow of seed, or who is polluted by sexual intercourse, (Leviticus 15, 32)

  • You shall not uncover the nakedness of your wife and her daughter. You shall not take her son’s daughter or her daughter’s daughter, so as to uncover her dishonor; for they are her flesh, and such sexual intercourse is incest. (Leviticus 18, 17)

  • You shall not have sexual intercourse with your neighbor’s wife, nor shall you be defiled by the mingling of seed. (Leviticus 18, 20)

  • You shall not commit sexual acts with a male, in place of sexual intercourse with a female, for this is an abomination. (Leviticus 18, 22)

“Deus é servido apenas quando é servido de acordo com a Sua vontade.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina