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  • When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw how beautiful the woman was; and when Pharaoh's courtiers saw her, (Genesis 12, 14)

  • they praised her to Pharaoh. So she was taken into Pharaoh's palace. (Genesis 12, 15)

  • But the LORD struck Pharaoh and his household with severe plagues because of Abram's wife Sarai. (Genesis 12, 17)

  • Then Pharaoh summoned Abram and said to him: "How could you do this to me! Why didn't you tell me she was your wife? (Genesis 12, 18)

  • Then Pharaoh gave men orders concerning him, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and all that belonged to him. (Genesis 12, 20)

  • His brother came out next, gripping Esau's heel; so they named him Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born. (Genesis 25, 26)

  • As the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man who lived in the open; whereas Jacob was a simple man, who kept to his tents. (Genesis 25, 27)

  • Isaac preferred Esau, because he was fond of game; but Rebekah preferred Jacob. (Genesis 25, 28)

  • Once, when Jacob was cooking a stew, Esau came in from the open, famished. (Genesis 25, 29)

  • He said to Jacob, "Let me gulp down some of that red stuff; I'm starving." (That is why he was called Edom.) (Genesis 25, 30)

  • But Jacob replied, "First give me your birthright in exchange for it." (Genesis 25, 31)

  • But Jacob insisted, "Swear to me first!" So he sold Jacob his birthright under oath. (Genesis 25, 33)

“No tumulto das paixões terrenas e das adversidades, surge a grande esperança da misericórdia inexorável de Deus. Corramos confiantes ao tribunal da penitência onde Ele, com ansiedade paterna, espera-nos a todo instante.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina