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  • The sentence you pass will be the same, whether on native-born or on alien; for I am Yahweh your God." ' (Leviticus 24, 22)

  • A death sentence may be passed only on the word of two witnesses or three; and no one must be put to death on the word of one witness alone. (Deuteronomy 17, 6)

  • and approach the levitical priests and the judge then in office. They will hold an enquiry and let you know their sentence. (Deuteronomy 17, 9)

  • You will abide by the decision which they give you and by the sentence which they pronounce, not deviating to right or to left from the verdict which they have given you. (Deuteronomy 17, 11)

  • But your servant was busy with one thing and another, the man disappeared.' The king of Israel said, 'That is your sentence then. You have pronounced it yourself.' (1 Kings 20, 40)

  • 'Pick him up,' Jehu said to Bidkar, his equerry, 'and throw him into the field of Naboth of Jezreel. Remember how, when you and I manned a chariot together behind Ahab his father, Yahweh pronounced this sentence against him, (2 Kings 9, 25)

  • The Chaldaeans captured the king and took him to the king of Babylon at Riblah, who passed sentence on him. (2 Kings 25, 6)

  • saying to the judges, 'Be careful what you do, since you are judging not by any human power but in the name of Yahweh, who will be with you when you pronounce sentence. (2 Chronicles 19, 6)

  • Our God, will you not pass sentence on them, since we are helpless against this vast horde about to attack us? Because we do not know what to do, we look to you.' (2 Chronicles 20, 12)

  • While Jehu was executing sentence on the House of Ahab and came across the officers of Judah and Ahaziah's nephews who were in attendance on Ahaziah, he killed them, (2 Chronicles 22, 8)

  • And on anyone who will not comply with the Law of your God and the Law of the king let sentence be swiftly executed, whether it be death, banishment, fine or imprisonment.' (Ezra 7, 26)

  • No doubt, then, but he will carry out my sentence, like so many other decrees that he has made. (Job 23, 14)

“Que Jesus reine sempre soberano no seu coração e o faça cada vez mais digno de seus divinos dons.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina