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  • From these there grew a wicked offshoot, Antiochus Epiphanes son of King Antiochus; once a hostage in Rome, he became king in the 107th year of the kingdom of the Greeks. (1 Maccabees 1, 10)

  • Once Antiochus had seen his authority established, he determined to make himself king of Egypt and the ruler of both kingdoms. (1 Maccabees 1, 16)

  • The fortified cities of Egypt were captured, and Antiochus plundered the country. (1 Maccabees 1, 19)

  • After his conquest of Egypt, in the year 143, Antiochus turned about and advanced on Israel and Jerusalem in massive strength. (1 Maccabees 1, 20)

  • The news of these events infuriated Antiochus, and he ordered mobilisation of all the forces in his kingdom, a very powerful army. (1 Maccabees 3, 27)

  • making him responsible for the education of his son Antiochus, until he should come back. (1 Maccabees 3, 33)

  • To him Antiochus made over half his forces, with the elephants, giving him instructions about what he wanted done, particularly with regard to the inhabitants of Judaea and Jerusalem, (1 Maccabees 3, 34)

  • King Antiochus, meanwhile, was making his way through the Upper Provinces; he had heard that in Persia there was a city called Elymais, renowned for its riches, its silver and gold, (1 Maccabees 6, 1)

  • He entrusted him with his diadem, his robe and his signet, on the understanding that he was to educate his son Antiochus and train him for the throne. (1 Maccabees 6, 15)

  • King Antiochus then died, in the year 149. (1 Maccabees 6, 16)

  • Lysias, learning that the king was dead, established on the throne in succession to him his son Antiochus, whom he had brought up from childhood -- and styled him Eupator. (1 Maccabees 6, 17)

  • Meanwhile Philip, whom King Antiochus before his death had appointed to train his son Antiochus for the throne, (1 Maccabees 6, 55)

“Padre Pio disse a um filho espiritual: Trabalhe! Ele perguntou: No que devo trabalhar, Padre? Ele respondeu: Em amar sempre mais a Jesus!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina