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  • And it came to pass at that time, that Amraphel king of Sennaar, and Arioch king of Pontus, and Chodorlahomor king of the Elamites, and Thadal king of nations, (Genesis 14, 1)

  • Made war against Bara king of Sodom, and against Bersa king of Gomorrha, and against Sennaab king of Adama, and against Semeber king of Seboim, and against the king of Bala, which is Segor. (Genesis 14, 2)

  • And in the fourteenth year came Chodorlahomor, and the kings that were with him: and they smote the Raphaim in Astarothcarnaim, and the Zuzim with them, and the Emim in Save of Cariathaim. (Genesis 14, 5)

  • And the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrha, and the king of Adama, and the king of Seboim, and the king of Bala, which is Segor, went out: and they set themselves against them in battle array in the woodland vale: (Genesis 14, 8)

  • To wit, against Chodorlahomor king of the Elamites, and Thadal king of nations, and Amraphel king of Sennaar, and Arioch king of Pontus: four kings against five. (Genesis 14, 9)

  • Now the woodland vale had many pits of slime. And the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomorrha turned their backs and were overthrown there: and they that remained fled to the mountain. (Genesis 14, 10)

  • And the king of Sodom went out to meet him, after he returned from the slaughter of Chodorlahomor, and of the kings that were with him in the vale of Save, which is the king's vale. (Genesis 14, 17)

  • But Melchisedech the king of Salem, bringing forth bread and wine, for he was the priest of the most high God, (Genesis 14, 18)

  • And the king of Sodom said to Abram: Give me the persons, and the rest take to thyself. (Genesis 14, 21)

  • And I will make thee increase, exceedingly, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. (Genesis 17, 6)

  • And I will bless her, and of her I will give thee a son, whom I will bless, and he shell become nations, and kings of people shall spring from him. (Genesis 17, 16)

  • And he said of Sara his wife: She is my sister. So Abimelech the king of Oerara sent, and took her. (Genesis 20, 2)

“Pode-se manter a paz de espírito mesmo no meio das tempestades da vida”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina