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  • The Holy Tent itself you are to make with ten sheets of fine twined linen, of purple wool, violet shade and red, and of crimson wool; you are to have these sheets finely embroidered with angels. (Exodus 26, 1)

  • You must attach loops of violet wool to the border of the last sheet in one set, and do the same for the border of the last sheet in the other set. (Exodus 26, 4)

  • You are to make a veil of purple wool, violet shade and red, of crimson wool, and of fine twined linen; you are to have it finely embroidered with Cherubim. (Exodus 26, 31)

  • Finally, for the entrance to the Tent you are to make a curtain of purple wool, violet shade and red, and of crimson stuffs and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer. (Exodus 26, 36)

  • The gateway to the court is to consist of a curtain twenty cubits wide made of purple wool, violet shade and red, of crimson wool and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer, carried on four posts set in their four bases. (Exodus 27, 16)

  • For them you shall use gold, purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool, and fine twined linen. (Exodus 28, 5)

  • They are to make the Ephod of gold, purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool and fine twined linen, the work of a skilled embroiderer. (Exodus 28, 6)

  • The woven band on it to hold it on is to be of similar workmanship and to form one piece with it: this must be of gold thread, purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool, and fine twined linen. (Exodus 28, 8)

  • You are to make the Breastpiece of judgment, finely embroidered, of the same workmanship as the apron. You are to make it of gold, purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool, and fine twined linen. (Exodus 28, 15)

  • You shall decorate the lower hem with pomegranates of purple wool, violet shade and red, crimson wool, and fine twined linen, (Exodus 28, 33)

  • purple wool, of violet shade and red, crimson wool, fine linen, goats' hair, (Exodus 35, 6)

  • All those who happened to own purple wool, of violet shade or red, crimson wool, fine linen, goats' hair, rams' skins dyed red, or fine leather, brought them. (Exodus 35, 23)

“Quando te encontrares diante de Deus, na oração considera-te banhado na luz da verdade, fala-lhe se puderes, deixa simplesmente que te veja e não tenhas preocupação alguma”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina