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  • the LORD added, "Go to the people and have them sanctify themselves today and tomorrow. Make them wash their garments (Exodus 19, 10)

  • Then Moses came down from the mountain to the people and had them sanctify themselves and wash their garments. (Exodus 19, 14)

  • Aaron and his sons you shall also bring to the entrance of the meeting tent, and there wash them with water. (Exodus 29, 4)

  • Cut the ram into pieces; its inner organs and shanks you shall first wash, and then put them with the pieces and with the head. (Exodus 29, 17)

  • When they are about to enter the meeting tent, they must wash with water, lest they die. Likewise when they approach the altar in their ministry, to offer an oblation to the LORD, (Exodus 30, 20)

  • they must wash their hands and feet, lest they die. This shall be a perpetual ordinance for him and his descendants throughout their generations." (Exodus 30, 21)

  • "Then bring Aaron and his sons to the entrance of the meeting tent, and there wash them with water. (Exodus 40, 12)

  • Moses and Aaron and his sons used to wash their hands and feet there, (Exodus 40, 31)

  • The inner organs and the shanks, however, the offerer shall first wash with water. The priest shall then burn the whole offering on the altar as a holocaust, a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD. (Leviticus 1, 9)

  • The inner organs and the shanks, however, the offerer shall first wash with water. The priest shall offer them up and then burn the whole offering on the altar as a holocaust, a sweet-smelling oblation to the LORD. (Leviticus 1, 13)

  • and everyone who picks up any part of their dead bodies shall wash his garments and be unclean until evening. (Leviticus 10, 25)

  • and everyone who picks up their dead bodies shall wash his garments and be unclean until evening. Such is their uncleanness for you. (Leviticus 10, 28)

“Se tanta atenção é dada aos bens desta Terra, quanto mais se deve dar aos do Céu? Faça, portanto, uma boa leitura espiritual, a santa meditação, o exame de consciência, e fará progresso na perfeição cristã e no amor de Jesus.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina