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  • When he expelled the man, he settled him east of the garden of Eden; and he stationed the cherubim and the fiery revolving sword, to guard the way to the tree of life. (Genesis 3, 24)

  • As he looked down toward Sodom and Gomorrah and the whole region of the Plain, he saw dense smoke over the land rising like fumes from a furnace. (Genesis 19, 28)

  • Then the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Take a double handful of soot from a furnace, and in the presence of Pharaoh let Moses scatter it toward the sky. (Exodus 9, 8)

  • So they took soot from a furnace and stood in the presence of Pharaoh. Moses scattered it toward the sky, and it caused festering boils on man and beast. (Exodus 9, 10)

  • In the night watch just before dawn the LORD cast through the column of the fiery cloud upon the Egyptian force a glance that threw it into a panic; (Exodus 14, 24)

  • Mount Sinai was all wrapped in smoke, for the LORD came down upon it in fire. The smoke rose from it as though from a furnace, and the whole mountain trembled violently. (Exodus 19, 18)

  • I, also, will meet you with fiery defiance and will chastise you with sevenfold fiercer punishment for your sins, (Leviticus 25, 28)

  • "When I had come down again from the blazing, fiery mountain, with the two tablets of the covenant in both my hands, (Deuteronomy 9, 15)

  • The LORD will strike you with wasting and fever, with scorching, fiery drought, with blight and searing wind, that will plague you until you perish. (Deuteronomy 28, 22)

  • For they are your people and your inheritance, whom you brought out of Egypt, from the midst of an iron furnace. (1 Kings 8, 51)

  • Then he prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes, that he may see." And the LORD opened the eyes of the servant, so that he saw the mountainside filled with horses and fiery chariots around Elisha. (2 Kings 6, 17)

  • Fiery destruction lodges in his tent, and marches him off to the king of terrors. He is plucked from the security of his tent; (Job 18, 14)

“A pessoa que nunca medita é como alguém que nunca se olha no espelho e, assim, não se cuida e sai desarrumada. A pessoa que medita e dirige seus pensamentos a Deus, que é o espelho de sua alma, procura conhecer seus defeitos, tenta corrigi-los, modera seus impulsos e põe em ordem sua consciência.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina