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  • Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the sky, and so make a name for ourselves; otherwise we shall be scattered all over the earth." (Genesis 11, 4)

  • LORD came down to see the city and the tower that the men had built. (Genesis 11, 5)

  • everyone, as his heart suggested and his spirit prompted, brought a contribution to the LORD for the construction of the meeting tent, for all its services, and for the sacred vestments. (Exodus 35, 21)

  • All the gold used in the entire construction of the sanctuary, having previously been given as an offering, amounted to twenty-nine talents and seven hundred and thirty shekels, according to the standard of the sanctuary shekel. (Exodus 38, 24)

  • So to the men of Penuel, too, he said, "When I return in triumph, I will demolish this tower." (Judges 8, 9)

  • He also demolished the tower of Penuel and slew the men of the city. (Judges 8, 17)

  • Now there was a strong tower in the middle of the city, and all the men and women, in a word all the citizens of the city, fled there, shutting themselves in and going up to the roof of the tower. (Judges 9, 51)

  • Abimelech came up to the tower and fought against it, advancing to the very entrance of the tower to set it on fire. (Judges 9, 52)

  • In the four hundred and eightieth year from the departure of the Israelites from the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month of Ziv, which is the second month, the construction of the temple of the LORD was begun. (1 Kings 6, 1)

  • (The temple was built of stone dressed at the quarry, so that no hammer, axe, or iron tool was to be heard in the temple during its construction.) (1 Kings 6, 7)

  • His own palace Solomon completed after thirteen years of construction. (1 Kings 7, 1)

  • His living quarters were in another court, set in deeper than the tribunal and of the same construction. A palace like this tribunal was built for Pharaoh's daughter, whom Solomon had married. (1 Kings 7, 8)

“Se você fala das próprias virtudes para se exibir ou para vã ostentação perde todo o mérito.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina