Trouvé 76 Résultats pour: flocks/page/1/page/6/page/2/page/7

  • And Lot, who went with Abram, also had flocks and herds and tents, (Genesis 13, 5)

  • The LORD has greatly blessed my master, and he has become great; he has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, menservants and maidservants, camels and asses. (Genesis 24, 35)

  • He had possessions of flocks and herds, and a great household, so that the Philistines envied him. (Genesis 26, 14)

  • As he looked, he saw a well in the field, and lo, three flocks of sheep lying beside it; for out of that well the flocks were watered. The stone on the well's mouth was large, (Genesis 29, 2)

  • and when all the flocks were gathered there, the shepherds would roll the stone from the mouth of the well, and water the sheep, and put the stone back in its place upon the mouth of the well. (Genesis 29, 3)

  • But they said, "We cannot until all the flocks are gathered together, and the stone is rolled from the mouth of the well; then we water the sheep." (Genesis 29, 8)

  • He set the rods which he had peeled in front of the flocks in the runnels, that is, the watering troughs, where the flocks came to drink. And since they bred when they came to drink, (Genesis 30, 38)

  • the flocks bred in front of the rods and so the flocks brought forth striped, speckled, and spotted. (Genesis 30, 39)

  • And Jacob separated the lambs, and set the faces of the flocks toward the striped and all the black in the flock of Laban; and he put his own droves apart, and did not put them with Laban's flock. (Genesis 30, 40)

  • Thus the man grew exceedingly rich, and had large flocks, maidservants and menservants, and camels and asses. (Genesis 30, 43)

  • These twenty years I have been with you; your ewes and your she-goats have not miscarried, and I have not eaten the rams of your flocks. (Genesis 31, 38)

  • Then Laban answered and said to Jacob, "The daughters are my daughters, the children are my children, the flocks are my flocks, and all that you see is mine. But what can I do this day to these my daughters, or to their children whom they have borne? (Genesis 31, 43)

“Quanto maiores forem os dons, maior deve ser sua humildade, lembrando de que tudo lhe foi dado como empréstimo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina