Trouvé 60 Résultats pour: prince/page/5/page/2/page/3

  • 'Please listen to us, my lord, we regard you as a prince of God; bury your dead in the best of our tombs; not one of us would refuse you his tomb for you to bury your dead.' (Genesis 23, 6)

  • 'And who appointed you', the man retorted, 'to be prince over us and judge? Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?' Moses was frightened. 'Clearly that business has come to light,' he thought. (Exodus 2, 14)

  • for harassing you with their guile in the Peor affair and in the affair of their sister Cozbi, the daughter of a prince of Midian, the woman who was killed the day the plague came on account of the business of Peor.' (Numbers 25, 18)

  • 'About this time tomorrow, I shall send you a man from the territory of Benjamin; you are to anoint him as prince of my people Israel, and he will save my people from the power of the Philistines; for I have seen the misery of my people and their cries of anguish have come to me.' (1 Samuel 9, 16)

  • Samuel took a phial of oil and poured it on Saul's head; he then kissed him and said, 'Has not Yahweh anointed you as leader of his people Israel? You are the man who is to govern Yahweh's people and save them from the power of the enemies surrounding them. The sign for you that Yahweh has anointed you as prince of his heritage is this: (1 Samuel 10, 1)

  • The king said to his retainers, 'Do you not realise that a prince, a great man, has fallen in Israel today? (2 Samuel 3, 38)

  • When the Ammonites realised that they had antagonised David, they sent agents to hire twenty thousand foot soldiers from the Aramaeans of Beth-Rehob and the Aramaeans of Zobah, one thousand men from the king of Maacah and twelve thousand men from the prince of Tob. (2 Samuel 10, 6)

  • But it is not from his hands that I will take the kingdom, since I have made him a prince for as long as he lives, for the sake of my servant David who kept my commandments and laws. (1 Kings 11, 34)

  • 'Go back and say to Hezekiah, prince of my people, "Yahweh, the God of your ancestor David, says this: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I shall cure you: in three days' time you will go up to the Temple of Yahweh. (2 Kings 20, 5)

  • "From the day I brought my people out of Egypt I chose no city, in any of the tribes of Israel, to have a temple built where my name should be, nor did I choose anyone to be prince of my people Israel; (2 Chronicles 6, 5)

  • Cyrus king of Persia handed them over to Mithredath the treasurer who checked them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah. (Ezra 1, 8)

  • I shall give him an account of my every step and go as boldly as a prince to meet him.End of the words of Job. (Job 31, 37)

“Mesmo a menor transgressão às leis de Deus será levada em conta.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina