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  • The earth became corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence. (Genesis 6, 11)

  • God saw the earth and saw it was corrupt, for corrupt, indeed, was the way of all mortals. (Genesis 6, 12)

  • he said to me: "Go down from this mountain at once because your people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt, they have suddenly abandoned the way that I taught them and they have made an idol for themselves." (Deuteronomy 9, 12)

  • Even well-intentioned rulers are led astray by the trickery of the corrupt. (Esther 16, 6)

  • how much less man who is vile and corrupt, who drinks evil as if it were water! (Job 15, 16)

  • They have all turned aside: corrupt - all of them alike. (Psalms 14, 3)

  • I hate the party of the corrupt and avoid the company of the wicked. (Psalms 26, 5)

  • The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their ways are wicked; not one of them does good. (Psalms 53, 2)

  • Do not set your heart on extortion, nor your hopes upon corrupt gain. Even if wealth accumulates, keep your heart detached. (Psalms 62, 11)

  • Evil comes from their callous hearts, boundless evil from their corrupt minds. (Psalms 73, 7)

  • Wisdom springs forth from the mouth of the virtuous but the corrupt tongue will be torn out. (Proverbs 10, 31)

  • Honesty illumines the path of the upright; but the corrupt are confounded by their own evil. (Proverbs 11, 3)

O Pai celeste está sempre disposto a contentá-lo em tudo o que for para o seu bem”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina