Löydetty 34 Tulokset: season/page/3/page/2/page/3

  • But I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this season next year." (Genesis 17, 21)

  • In the mating season of the flock I lifted up my eyes, and saw in a dream that the he-goats which leaped upon the flock were striped, spotted, and mottled. (Genesis 31, 10)

  • You shall season all your cereal offerings with salt; you shall not let the salt of the covenant with your God be lacking from your cereal offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt. (Leviticus 2, 13)

  • then I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. (Leviticus 26, 4)

  • and whether the land is rich or poor, and whether there is wood in it or not. Be of good courage, and bring some of the fruit of the land." Now the time was the season of the first ripe grapes. (Numbers 13, 20)

  • "Command the people of Israel, and say to them, `My offering, my food for my offerings by fire, my pleasing odor, you shall take heed to offer to me in its due season.' (Numbers 28, 2)

  • he will give the rain for your land in its season, the early rain and the later rain, that you may gather in your grain and your wine and your oil. (Deuteronomy 11, 14)

  • The LORD will open to you his good treasury the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. (Deuteronomy 28, 12)

  • And he said, "At this season, when the time comes round, you shall embrace a son." And she said, "No, my lord, O man of God; do not lie to your maidservant." (2 Kings 4, 16)

  • You shall come to your grave in ripe old age, as a shock of grain comes up to the threshing floor in its season. (Job 5, 26)

  • Can you lead forth the Maz'zaroth in their season, or can you guide the Bear with its children? (Job 38, 32)

  • He is like a tree planted by streams of water, that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers. (Psalms 1, 3)

“Para que se preocupar com o caminho pelo qual Jesus quer que você chegue à pátria celeste – pelo deserto ou pelo campo – quando tanto por um como por outro se chegará da mesma forma à beatitude eterna?” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina