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  • 'Anyone in the open country who touches a murder victim, a corpse, human bones or a grave will be unclean for seven days. (Numbers 19, 16)

  • Someone who is ritually clean will then take some hyssop and dip it in the water. This person will then sprinkle the tent, all the vessels and people who were there, and similarly anyone who has touched human bones, a murder victim, a corpse or a grave. (Numbers 19, 18)

  • 'If a case comes before you which is too difficult for you, a case of murder, conflicting claims, damage to property -- any kind of dispute -- in your towns, you must make your way to the place chosen by Yahweh your God, (Deuteronomy 17, 8)

  • 'If, in the country which Yahweh your God gives you as your possession, a victim of murder is found lying in the open country and it is not known who has killed that person, (Deuteronomy 21, 1)

  • All the elders of the town nearest to the victim of murder must then wash their hands in the stream, over the slaughtered heifer. (Deuteronomy 21, 6)

  • And this was so that the crime committed against Jerubbaal's seventy sons should be avenged, and their blood recoil on their brother Abimelech who had murdered them, and on those leaders of Shechem who had helped him to murder his brothers. (Judges 9, 24)

  • 'The men of Gibeah ganged up against me and, during the night, surrounded the house where I was lodging. They intended to murder me. They raped my concubine to death. (Judges 20, 5)

  • That day, all the people and all Israel understood that the king had had no part in the murder of Abner son of Ner. (2 Samuel 3, 37)

  • You are to say this to him, "Yahweh says this: You have committed murder and now you usurp as well. For this -- and Yahweh says this -- in the place where the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, the dogs will lick your blood too." ' (1 Kings 21, 19)

  • How much longer will you set on a victim, all together, intent on murder, like a rampart already leaning over, a wall already damaged? (Psalms 62, 3)

  • they murder the widow and the stranger, bring the orphan to a violent death. (Psalms 94, 6)

  • and decided to destroy the descendants of Jacob living among them; they began to murder and evict our people. (1 Maccabees 5, 2)

“Nas tribulações é necessário ter fé em Deus.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina