Löydetty 73 Tulokset: waste/page/1/page/3/page/3

  • I shall reduce your cities to ruins; I shall lay waste your sanctuary and refuse to inhale from you smells intended to please. (Leviticus 26, 31)

  • Joshua then said to the Israelites, 'How much more time are you going to waste before you go and take possession of the country which Yahweh, God of your ancestors, has given to you? (Joshua 18, 3)

  • And as soon as the people saw their god, they acclaimed him, shouting his praises: Into our hands our god has delivered Samson our enemy, the man who laid our country waste and killed so many of us. (Judges 16, 24)

  • they said, 'Up! we must go against them, since we have looked at the country and it is excellent, though you take no action! Waste no time in setting out and taking possession of the country. (Judges 18, 9)

  • Now, David had decided, 'It was a waste of time my guarding all this man's property in the desert so that he lost nothing at all! He has repaid me bad for good. (1 Samuel 25, 21)

  • David laid the countryside waste and left neither man nor woman alive; he carried off the sheep and cattle, the donkeys, camels and clothing, and then came back again to Achish. (1 Samuel 27, 9)

  • Joab then said, 'I cannot waste time arguing with you!' And, taking three darts in his hand, he planted them in Absalom's heart, while he was still alive, deep in the oak-tree. (2 Samuel 18, 14)

  • He beat the Philistines back to Gaza, laying their territory waste from watchtower to fortified town. (2 Kings 18, 8)

  • And lastly, have I marched on this place to lay it waste without warrant from Yahweh? Yahweh himself said to me: March on this country and lay it waste." ' (2 Kings 18, 25)

  • made his way down to the Damascus plain at the time of the wheat harvest, set fire to the fields, destroyed the flocks and herds, sacked the towns, laid the countryside waste and put all the young men to the sword. (Judith 2, 27)

  • Hunger will waste them, with their wives and children, and before the sword can reach them they will already be lying in the streets outside their houses. (Judith 7, 14)

  • He strips a country's leaders of their judgement, and leaves them to wander in a trackless waste, (Job 12, 24)

“Jesus vê, conhece e pesa todas as suas ações.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina