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  • He was served separately; so were they, and so were the Egyptians who ate in his household, for the Egyptians could not take food with Hebrews; Egyptians have a horror of doing so. (Genesis 43, 32)

  • you are to say, "Ever since our boyhood your servants have looked after livestock, we and our fathers before us," so that you can stay in the Goshen region -- for the Egyptians have a horror of all shepherds.' (Genesis 46, 34)

  • But since your heart has been touched and you have humbled yourself before Yahweh on hearing what I have decreed against this place and the people who live in it, how they will become an object of horror and cursing, and have torn your clothes and wept before me, I too have heard- Yahweh says this. (2 Kings 22, 19)

  • On hearing this, I tore my clothes and my cloak; I pulled hair from my head and beard and sat down in horror. (Ezra 9, 3)

  • All who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered round me, when faced with the infidelity of the exiles, while I went on sitting there in horror until the evening sacrifice. (Ezra 9, 4)

  • a shiver of horror ran through me and filled all my bones with fright. (Job 4, 14)

  • And now it is driving me to distraction; you have struck my whole acquaintanceship with horror, (Job 16, 7)

  • All my dearest friends recoil from me in horror: those I loved best have turned against me. (Job 19, 19)

  • The sheer number of my enemies makes me contemptible, loathsome to my neighbours, and my friends shrink from me in horror. When people see me in the street they take to their heels. (Psalms 31, 11)

  • Soon they will be corpses without honour, objects of horror among the dead for ever. For he will shatter them and fling them headlong and dumbfounded. He will shake them from their foundations; they will be utterly laid waste, a prey to grief, and their memory will perish. (Wisdom of Solomon 4, 19)

  • My heart is bewildered, dread overwhelms me, the twilight I longed for has become my horror. (Isaiah 21, 4)

  • And on their way out they will see the corpses of those who rebelled against me; for their worm will never die nor their fire be put out, and they will be held in horror by all humanity. (Isaiah 66, 24)

“O verdadeiro servo de Deus é aquele que usa a caridade para com seu próximo, que está decidido a fazer a vontade de Deus a todo custo, que vive em profunda humildade e simplicidade”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina