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  • She gave birth to a second child, Abel, the brother of Cain. Now Abel became a shepherd and kept flocks, while Cain tilled the soil. (Genesis 4, 2)

  • And Abram was very well treated because of her and received flocks, oxen, donkeys, men and women slaves, she-donkeys and camels. (Genesis 12, 16)

  • Lot, who was travelling with Abram, had flocks and cattle of his own, and tents too. (Genesis 13, 5)

  • Yahweh has loaded my master with blessings, and Abraham is now very rich. He has given him flocks and herds, silver and gold, men and women slaves, camels and donkeys. (Genesis 24, 35)

  • He acquired flocks and herds and a large retinue. The Philistines began to envy him. (Genesis 26, 14)

  • And there, out in the open, he saw a well with three flocks of sheep lying beside it; this well was used for watering the flocks. Now the stone on the mouth of the well was a large one, (Genesis 29, 2)

  • and only when all the flocks had collected there, did they roll the stone off the mouth of the well and water the sheep; then they would replace the stone over the mouth of the well. (Genesis 29, 3)

  • The ewes, on the other hand, Jacob kept apart and made these face whatever was striped or black in Laban's flock. Thus he built up droves of his own which he did not put with Laban's flocks. (Genesis 30, 40)

  • Thus the man grew extremely rich, and came to own large flocks, men and women slaves, camels and donkeys. (Genesis 30, 43)

  • So Jacob had Rachel and Leah called to the fields where his flocks were, (Genesis 31, 4)

  • and I own oxen, beasts of burden and flocks, and men and women slaves. I send news of this to my lord in the hope of winning your favour." ' (Genesis 32, 6)

  • Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed. He divided the people with him, and the flocks and cattle, into two camps, (Genesis 32, 8)

“Que Jesus o aperte sempre mais ao Seu divino coração. Que Ele o alivie no sofrimento e lhe dê o abraço final no Paraíso.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina