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  • Yahweh said to him, "Well then, whoever kills Cain, will suffer vengeance seven times." And Yahweh put a mark on Cain to prevent anyone who met him from killing him. (Genesis 4, 15)

  • Joseph said to them, "What have you done? Didn't you know that a man such as I am is able to divine?" (Genesis 44, 15)

  • Accordingly Aaron put a full measure of manna in the jar as Yahweh had commanded Moses and placed it before the slabs of divine statement to be kept there. (Exodus 16, 34)

  • Moses said to the people, "Let some of you go off to the war and attack the Midianites, for you have to carry out Yahweh's vengeance. (Numbers 31, 3)

  • Vengeance and recompense is mine. Their feet will slip in due time, their day of calamity is at hand, and swiftly their doom will come. (Deuteronomy 32, 35)

  • when I sharpen my glittering sword and my hand takes hold of judgment, I will deal out vengeance upon my foes and retribution upon those who hate me. (Deuteronomy 32, 41)

  • Rejoice, O nations, with his people, for he will avenge his servants' blood, take vengeance on his adversaries, and perform the rite of expiation for his people and his land. (Deuteronomy 32, 43)

  • "Command the priests who carry the Ark of the Divine Words to come up from the Jordan." (Joshua 4, 16)

  • never cut off your friendship with my family even when Yahweh takes vengeance on David's enemies and wipes them out from the face of the earth." So Jonathan made a covenant with the family of David. (1 Samuel 20, 16)

  • the God who grants me vengeance and subdues the peoples for me. (2 Samuel 22, 48)

  • And he told him, "Because you have requested this rather than long life or wealth or even vengeance on your enemies; indeed, because you have asked for yourself understanding to discern what is right, (1 Kings 3, 11)

  • I swear that in this field, I shall take vengeance on you, for the blood of Naboth and for the blood of his sons which I saw you shed yesterday. So take his body and throw it into the field according to the word of Yahweh." (2 Kings 9, 26)

“Aquele que procura a vaidade das roupas não conseguirá jamais se revestir com a vida de Jesus Cristo.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina