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  • Abram said, "My Lord Yahweh, where are your promises? I am still childless and all I have will go to Eliezer of Damascus. (Genesis 15, 2)

  • If a man makes a vow to give something to Yahweh or a solemn promise to abstain from something, he must not break his promise: whatever he promises by word of mouth he must do. (Numbers 30, 3)

  • Fulfill your promises and, if you make any vow, you shall offer what you have promised to Yahweh. (Deuteronomy 23, 24)

  • Adonizedek king of Jerusalem came to know how Joshua had conquered and leveled Ai, doing to it and its king what he had done to Jericho and its king. He also knew how the Gibeonites had made peace with the Israelites and were living in their midst. (Joshua 10, 1)

  • So the five kings of the Amorites - the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Jarmuth, Lachish and Eglon - joined forces and set out, each one with troops. They encamped opposite Gibeon and surrounded it. (Joshua 10, 5)

  • They did this and brought the five kings before Joshua: the kings of Jerusalem, Hebron, Lachish, Jarmuth and Eglon. (Joshua 10, 23)

  • king of Jerusalem, king of Hebron. (Joshua 12, 10)

  • Then it went on up the Benhinnom Valley on the south side of the hill where the Jebusite city, that is to say, Jerusalem, was located. The border then climbed to the top of the mountain on the west side of Hinnom Valley and at the northern end of the plain of Rephaim. (Joshua 15, 8)

  • But the people of Judah could not drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem; the Jebusites lived there side by side with the sons of Judah, as they still do today. (Joshua 15, 63)

  • Zela, Haeleph, Jerusalem, Gibeah and Kiriath: fourteen towns with their surrounding villages. This was the land given to the tribe of Benjamin, according to their clans. (Joshua 18, 28)

  • and kept all the promises he had made to the people of Israel. (Joshua 21, 45)

  • I am now about to go the way of all creatures, so I say to you: know in your soul and in your conscience that all the promises of Yahweh, our God, have been fulfilled; not one of them has failed. (Joshua 23, 14)

“Quando ofendemos a justiça de Deus, apelamos à Sua misericórdia. Mas se ofendemos a Sua misericórdia, a quem podemos apelar? Ofender o Pai que nos ama e insultar quem nos auxilia é um pecado pelo qual seremos severamente julgados.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina