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  • to break your haughty confidence. I will make the sky above you as hard as iron, and your soil as hard as bronze, (Leviticus 25, 19)

  • who killed some thirty-six of them. They pressed them back across the clearing in front of the city gate till they broke ranks, and defeated them finally on the descent, so that the confidence of the people melted away like water. (Joshua 7, 5)

  • So he took her completely into his confidence and told her, "No razor has touched my head, for I have been consecrated to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, my strength will leave me, and I shall be as weak as any other man." (Judges 16, 17)

  • When Delilah saw that he had taken her completely into his confidence, she summoned the lords of the Philistines, saying, "Come up this time, for he has opened his heart to me." So the lords of the Philistines came and brought up the money with them. (Judges 16, 18)

  • The commander said to them, "Tell Hezekiah, 'Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria: On what do you base this confidence of yours? (2 Kings 18, 19)

  • For he has only an arm of flesh, but we have the LORD, our God, to help us and to fight our battles." And the people took confidence from the words of King Hezekiah of Judah. (2 Chronicles 32, 8)

  • Is not your piety a source of confidence, and your integrity of life your hope? (Job 4, 6)

  • His confidence is but a gossamer thread and his trust is a spider's web. (Job 8, 14)

  • If in his holy ones God places no confidence, and if the heavens are not clean in his sight, (Job 15, 15)

  • If you have confidence in your forces, come down now to us in the plain, and let us test each other's strength there; the city forces are on my side. (1 Maccabees 10, 71)

  • He did not take God's power into account at all, but felt exultant confidence in his myriads of foot soldiers, his thousands of horsemen, and his eighty elephants. (2 Maccabees 11, 4)

  • For the LORD will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from the snare. (Proverbs 3, 26)

“Se quisermos colher é necessário não só semear, mas espalhar as sementes num bom campo. Quando as sementes se tornarem plantas, devemos cuidá-las para que as novas plantas não sejam sufocadas pelas ervas daninhas.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina