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  • For my part, the day after tomorrow I shall shoot three arrows in that direction, as though at a target. (1 Samuel 20, 20)

  • He said to his servant, 'Run and find the arrows which I am going to shoot,' and the servant ran while Jonathan shot an arrow ahead of him. (1 Samuel 20, 36)

  • if the king's anger is aroused and he says, "Why did you go near the town to give battle? Didn't you know that they would shoot from the ramparts? (2 Samuel 11, 20)

  • then he said, 'Open the window towards the east,' and he opened it. Then Elisha said, 'Shoot!' And he shot. Elisha said, 'Arrow of victory over Aram! You will defeat Aram at Aphek-completely.' (2 Kings 13, 17)

  • "This, then, is what Yahweh says about the king of Assyria: "He will not enter this city, will shoot no arrow at it, confront it with no shield, throw up no earthwork against it. (2 Kings 19, 32)

  • They were equipped with bows and could sling stones or shoot arrows from the bow with either right hand or left. Of Saul's fellow-tribesmen from Benjamin: (1 Chronicles 12, 2)

  • He also erected expertly contrived devices for the towers and angles of Jerusalem from which to shoot arrows and drop large stones. His fame spread far and wide, for he was miraculously helped to become strong. (2 Chronicles 26, 15)

  • 'For look, the wicked are drawing their bows, fitting their arrows to the string to shoot honest men from the shadows. (Psalms 11, 2)

  • shoot at the innocent from cover, shoot suddenly, with nothing to fear. (Psalms 64, 4)

  • Yes, as the flame devours the stubble, as the straw flares up and disappears, their root will be like decay and their shoot be carried off like dust, for having rejected the law of Yahweh Sabaoth, for having despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 5, 24)

  • A shoot will spring from the stock of Jesse, a new shoot will grow from his roots. (Isaiah 11, 1)

  • 'This, then, is what Yahweh says about the king of Assyria: He will not enter this city, will shoot no arrow at it, confront it with no shield, throw up no earthwork against it. (Isaiah 37, 33)

“Desapegue-se daquilo que não é de Deus e não leva a Deus”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina