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  • Giving his daughter a handmaid, named Zalpha. Now when Jacob had gone in to her according to custom when morning was come he saw it was Lia: (Genesis 29, 24)

  • And Rachel said: The Lord hath judged for me, and hath heard my voice, giving me a son, and therefore she called his name Dan. (Genesis 30, 6)

  • His master hearing these things, and giving too much credit to his wife's words, was very angry. (Genesis 39, 19)

  • Nephtali, a hart let loose, and giving words of beauty. (Genesis 49, 21)

  • And goats' hair, giving all of their own accord. (Exodus 35, 26)

  • And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spoke to him, taking away of the spirit that was in Moses, and giving to the seventy men. And when the spirit had rested on them they prophesied, nor did they cease afterwards. (Numbers 11, 25)

  • And unless the ass had turned out of the way, giving place to me who stood against thee, I had slain thee, and she should have lived. (Numbers 22, 33)

  • And Nabo, and Baalmeon (their names being changed) and Sabama: giving names to the cities which they had built. (Numbers 32, 38)

  • And the children of Israel gave to the Levites the cities and their suburbs, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Moses, giving to every one by lot. (Joshua 21, 8)

  • And when she pressed him much, and continually hung upon him for many days, giving him no time to rest, his soul fainted away, and was wearied even until death. (Judges 16, 16)

  • And the king commanded Joab, and Abisai, and Ethai, saying: Save me the boy Absalom. And all the people heard the king giving charge to all the princes concerning Absalom. (2 Samuel 18, 5)

  • Giving great salvation to his king, and shewing mercy to David his anointed, and to his seed for ever. (2 Samuel 22, 51)

“Tente percorrer com toda a simplicidade o caminho de Nosso Senhor e não se aflija inutilmente.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina