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  • And it was heard, and the fame was abroad in the king's court: The brethren of Joseph are come: and Pharao with all his family was glad. (Genesis 45, 16)

  • Thou shalt make also the court of the tabernacle, in the south side whereof southward there shall be hangings of fine twisted linen of a hundred cubits long for one side. (Exodus 27, 9)

  • But in the breadth of the court, that looketh to the west, there shall be hangings of fifty cubits, and ten pillars, and as many sockets. (Exodus 27, 12)

  • In that breadth also of the court, which looketh to the east, there shall be fifty cubits. (Exodus 27, 13)

  • And in the entrance of the court there shall be made a hanging of twenty cubits of violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, and fine twisted linen, with embroidered work: it shall have four pillars with as many sockets. (Exodus 27, 16)

  • All the pillars of the court round about shall be garnished with plates of silver, silver heads and sockets of brass. (Exodus 27, 17)

  • In length the court shall take up a hundred cubits, in breadth fifty, the height shall be of five cubits, and it shall be made of fine twisted linen, and shall have sockets of brass. (Exodus 27, 18)

  • All the vessels of the tabernacle for all uses and ceremonies, and the pins both of it, and of the court, thou shalt make of brass. (Exodus 27, 19)

  • The curtains of the court with the pillars and the sockets, the hanging in the doors of the entry, (Exodus 35, 17)

  • The pins of the tabernacle and of the court with their little cords: (Exodus 35, 18)

  • He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen, of a hundred cubits, (Exodus 38, 9)

  • All the hangings of the court were woven with twisted linen. (Exodus 38, 16)

“Rezai e continuai a rezar para não ficardes entorpecidos”. São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina