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  • They answered, "No, we only want to tie you up and hand you over to them, but we will not kill you." They bound him with two new ropes and brought him up from the rocks. (Judges 15, 13)

  • When the people of Israel saw that they were in trouble, they hid themselves in caves, in holes, in rocks, in tombs and in cisterns, (1 Samuel 13, 6)

  • Then Yahweh said, "Go up and stand on the mount, waiting for Yahweh." And Yahweh passed by. There was first a windstorm, wild wind which rent the mountains and broke the rocks into pieces before Yahweh, but Yahweh was not in the wind. After the storm, an earthquake, but Yahweh was not in the earthquake. (1 Kings 19, 11)

  • For the mountains with the waters will be shaken to their foundations, the rocks will melt like wax before you, but to those who fear you you will always show mercy. (Judith 16, 15)

  • its roots entwined around the rocks, holding fast to each stone. (Job 8, 17)

  • You who tear yourself in your wrath, must the earth be lost on your account the rocks be moved out of their place? (Job 18, 4)

  • Drenched with mountain rains, they hug the rocks for lack of shelter. (Job 24, 8)

  • Sapphires come from its rocks, gold nuggets from its dust. (Job 28, 6)

  • Man attacks the flinty rocks, upturns mountains by their roots. (Job 28, 9)

  • In the desert he split rocks to give them abundant drink. (Psalms 78, 15)

  • Happy is who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks! (Psalms 137, 9)

  • Nor will you be able to withstand the cavalry and so great an army on the plain, where there are no stones or rocks offering a refuge." (1 Maccabees 10, 73)

“Nunca vá se deitar sem antes examinar a sua consciência sobre o dia que passou. Enderece todos os seus pensamentos a Deus, consagre-lhe todo o seu ser e também todos os seus irmãos. Ofereça à glória de Deus o repouso que você vai iniciar e não esqueça do seu Anjo da Guarda que está sempre com você.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina