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  • For this reason, a man shall leave behind his father and mother, and he shall cling to his wife; and the two shall be as one flesh. (Genesis 2, 24)

  • And for this reason, its name was called ‘Babel,’ because in that place the language of the whole earth became confused. And from then on, the Lord scattered them across the face of every region. (Genesis 11, 9)

  • For what reason did you claim her to be your sister, so that I would take her to me as a wife? Now therefore, behold your mate, receive her and go.” (Genesis 12, 19)

  • And I will set out a meal of bread, so that you may strengthen your heart; after this you will pass on. It is for this reason that you have turned aside to your servant.” And they said, “Do as you have spoken.” (Genesis 18, 5)

  • Hurry and be saved there. For I cannot do anything until you enter there.” For this reason, the name of that city is called Zoar. (Genesis 19, 22)

  • For this reason, that place was called Beersheba, because there both of them did swear. (Genesis 21, 31)

  • For this reason, if you would act according to mercy and truth with my lord, tell me so. But if it pleases you otherwise, say that to me also, so that I may go either to the right, or to the left.” (Genesis 24, 49)

  • said to him, “Give me this red stew, for I am very tired.” For this reason, his name was called Edom. (Genesis 25, 30)

  • But in that place also the shepherds of Gerar argued against the shepherds of Isaac, by saying, “It is our water.” For this reason, he called the name of the well, because of what had happened, ‘Calumny.’ (Genesis 26, 20)

  • A fourth time she conceived and bore a son, and she said, “Only now will I confess to the Lord.” And for this reason, she called him Judah. And she ceased from child-bearing. (Genesis 29, 35)

  • said: “Happiness!” And for this reason, she called his name Gad. (Genesis 30, 11)

  • For what reason have I been with you for twenty years? Your ewes and she-goats were not barren; the rams of your flocks I did not consume. (Genesis 31, 38)

“Para mim, Deus está sempre fixo na minha mente e estampado no meu coração.” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina