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  • And so Isaac called for Jacob, and he blessed him, and he instructed him, saying: “Do not be willing to accept a mate from the family of Canaan. (Genesis 28, 1)

  • But go, and journey to Mesopotamia of Syria, to the house of Bethuel, your mother’s father, and there accept for yourself a wife from the daughters of Laban, your maternal uncle. (Genesis 28, 2)

  • But Esau, seeing that his father had blessed Jacob and had sent him into Mesopotamia of Syria, to take a wife from there, and that, after the blessing, he had instructed him, saying: ‘You shall not accept a wife from the daughters of Canaan,’ (Genesis 28, 6)

  • he said to him: “Though you are my brother, will you serve me for nothing? Tell me what wages you would accept.” (Genesis 29, 15)

  • Then, when all of his sons gathered together to ease their father’s sorrow, he was not willing to accept consolation, but he said: “I will descend in mourning to my son in the underworld.” And while he persevered in weeping, (Genesis 37, 35)

  • I accept the boy; require him at my hand. Unless I lead him back and restore him to you, I will be guilty of a sin against you for all time. (Genesis 43, 9)

  • But if the number is less than may suffice to be able to consume the lamb, he shall accept his neighbor, who has been joined with his house according to the number of souls that may suffice to be able to eat the lamb. (Exodus 12, 4)

  • then there shall be an oath between them, that he did not lay his hand on the goods of his neighbor. And the owner shall accept the oath, and he will not be compelled to make restitution. (Exodus 22, 11)

  • “You shall not accept a lying voice. Neither shall you join your hand so as to give false testimony on behalf on the impious. (Exodus 23, 1)

  • Neither shall you accept bribes, which blind even the prudent and subvert the words of the just. (Exodus 23, 8)

  • “Speak to the sons of Israel, so that they may take the first-fruits to me. You shall accept these from every man who offers of his own accord. (Exodus 25, 2)

  • Now these are the things that you must accept: Gold, and silver, and brass, (Exodus 25, 3)

“Um filho espiritual perguntou a Padre Pio: Como posso recuperar o tempo perdido? Padre Pio respondeu-lhe “Multiplique suas boas obras!” São Padre Pio de Pietrelcina